Senin, 31 Mei 2010


Jasa yang Dikenang Belakangan

Ada quote menggelikan nih dari berita di TV one hari ini.

"orang-orang yg berjasa hanya dikenang jasanya oleh negara saat sudah meninggal"

Seperti pada kasus ibu Ainun dan Mbah Gesang. Keduanya baru diangkat ke publik saat beliau-beliau sudah tiada.
Untuk Ibu Aiunun misalnya, malah pernah dituduh tidak nasionalisme karena memilih tinggal di Jerman.

Untuk Mbah Gesang, saat meninggal diberikan tanda bintang jasa dan diberi gelar pahlawan, agar bisa dimakamkan ala militer. Padalah beliau tinggalnya dalam keadaan amat sederhana dan tidak ada sentuhan pemerintah. Padahal Jepang saja bikinin taman khusus buat Mbah Gesang untuk mengenang keroncong.

Juga soal saat WS. Rendra meninggal, tidak begitu banyak tanda penghargaan untuk beliau. Malah Mbah Surip yang lebih diperhatikan, dan presiden sendiri mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada Mbah Surip.

Hahaha bukan sok nasionalis, toh aku juga ga tahu bagaimana Ibu Aiunun dan Mbah Gesang sebelum meninggal, sebelum dipublish media masa secara beramai-ramai, namun jawaban quota diatas adalah, Pemerintah keknya terlalu sibuk ngurus korupsi.

Cuman mau bilang, welcome June, again.

Minggu, 30 Mei 2010


Tradisi Kancing Baju Kedua

Dari sebuah film jepang yang diberikan Clara, Proposal Daisakusen, ada satu hal menarik yang bisa diposting disini. Sebuah tradisi unik yang terjadi secara turun temurun di Jepang dan aku sendiri baru mengetahuinya sekarang.

Seperti kita tahu, Jepang mempunyai kebudayaan yang unik dan khas. Mulai dari pakaian, acara minum teh dan entahlah apalagi, Clara banyak tahu. Namun tradisi ini benar-benar unik dan masuk akal.

Anak muda Jepang punya tradisi sendiri dalam hari kelulusan mereka di sekolah, jika di Indonesia hari kelulusan diwarnai dengan aksi corat-coret serta konvoi membahayakan di jalan, maka para gadis di Jepang merayakannya dengan hal lain. Mereka biasanya menginginkan kancing seragam para cowo, bukan sembarang kancing seragam, hanya kancing nomer dua dari atas.
Apa maknanya?
Kancing kedua merupakan kancing yang letaknya paling dekat dengan hati sementara seragam adalah sesuatu yang dipakai setiap hari selama tiga tahun bersekolah. Jadi kancing kedua itu berisikan semua perasaan si cowok selama tiga tahun bersekolah sampai kelulusannya (episode 4 by Yoshida Rei)

Jadi ngerti kan maksudnya?
Kalau seorang cewe menginginkan kancing kedua cowok maka dia menginginkan perasaan cowok itu. Sebaliknya, jika seorang cowok memberikan kancing keduanya pada cewe itu berarti sebuah pengakuan bahwa ia sedang jatuh cinta pada cewek yang bersangkutan.

Tradisi ini semakin dipopulerkan oleh sebuah adegan dalam novel karya Daijun Takeda.

Hahahah... bener-bener masuk akal dan unik.

Get The Wizard of Oz Tickets Now!

Get ready to celebrate Dorothy's journey as West End brings the Wizard of Oz on stage with performances by Over The Rainbow's fame Danielle Hope, will be directed by The Sound of Music’s Jeremy Sams and choreographed by Arlene Phillips. Andrew Lloyd Webber also add some scores along with the original hits for this forthcoming revival of 1939 classic.

At least half a dozen of new songs will be added along with Somewhere Over The Rainbow and We're Off To See The Wizard, among other hits. So expect a whole new West End musical as Wizard of Oz goes to the London Palladium. wizard of oz tickets are now on sale so hurry and grab the best seat for this one magical ride of the classic.

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010


Google untuk 30 Anniversary Pac-Man

Apakah ada yang tidak kenal gambar diatas?
iyak itu adalah salah satu permainan lama yang sangat mudah dimainkan. Pac Man merupakan sebuah game mini yang didesain pertama kali pada 22 Mei 1980 oleh seorang Jepang bernama Namco.

Tahun ini Pac-Man berusia 30 tahun dan sebagai sebuah penghormatan Google menjadikan game ini sebagai pengganti logo Google atau Doodle pada tanggal 22 dan 23 Mei kemarin. Tidak hanya itu, karena sambutan yang hangat atas Doodle itu, akhirnya google menyediakan halaman khusus untuk memainkan Pac-Man.

Bagi yang ingin coba, bisa akses ke dijamin seru deh. mainnya pun seru,cukup pake tanda panah navigasi pada keyboard untuk berpindahnya.  *udah nyoba, kalah muluh soale kwkwkwkwk*

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010


Get Help in Physic and Chemistry

As I told before, there is online tutoring that can help student to learn. This online tutoring is specific for K12 and college student. With large variety of the student’s study, they need more help to solve their problem. Any learning subject, like math, physic, chemistry or other science with complicated formulas, these must find many problems and confused.

So, online tutoring can answer the question. With flexible schedule, student not need to travel anywhere, and can adapt to their own schedule. The tutoring not disturbs their school activity, because they can arrange their tutoring time with their self.
What kind subjects that is taught by the online tutoring?
I think math is the first answer. this study is make many student crazy and desperate. But, not only math, as I told above, there are still other subject that really make me crazy on study. There is Physic. Hmm… Newton and Einstein, gravitation, momentum, motions, there are such kind of crazy and annoy me. I remember when learn physic, I always find trouble to do my homework. But now, for those of you who feel the same like me, online tutoring can give you Physics help.

The experience tutor can give you any strategic to learn it very easy. Any complicated concept and formulas, can be simple when you are enjoy to learn it, and online tutoring maybe can make you change your opinion about this subject.
Physic is annoying, and how about chemistry?

Chemistry is more simple I think, but there is a possibility that you find trouble when face molecular. So, online tutoring also provided Chemistry help for you. Any Chemistry Answers are given for K12 and college student, range from atomic, reaction, until nuclear process. Of course these help will give many advantages for homework, test, exam and also understanding at class.

With effective method, the tutorial will give student better approach when learning.
Want to prove it? Just visit the web and get the tutor now.

Senin, 24 Mei 2010


Rencana Denominasi Nilai Rupiah

Mungkin yang suka menonton kartun Upin dan Ipin pernah melihat episode dimana Susanti yang baru pindah dari Jakarta membayar ayam goreng dagangan Si Mail dengan uang Rupiah. Mail bingung saat memberi kembalian karena nominal yang tercetak di uang itu adalah 10.000 sementara ayamnya seharga 1 - 2 ringgit.

Nilai rupiah benar-benar turun dibandingkan nilai beberapa uang negara lain. Sebut saja Malaysia, seperti pada tayangan film diatas, satu ayam goreng di Malaysia berharga 1 sampai 2 ringgit sementara di Indonesia satu paha ayam goreng bernilai sampai 10.000 rupiah. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa inflasi di Indonesia lebih tinggi daripada negara lain sehingga mengakibatkan turunnya nilai uang dan pemborosan angka nol pada mata uang kita.
Karena itulah maka pemerintah berencana untuk melakukan denominasi kembali atau redenominasi terhadap nilai Rupiah. Denominasi atau yang disebut Sanering pernah terjadi pada era orde lama yaitu sekitar tahun 1965.

Denominasi kali ini adalah program yang akan memangkas tiga angka 0 dibelakang satuan uang. Uang Rp 1.000 akan menjadi Rp. 1. Begitu pula pecahan-pecahan yang lain, sehingga kemungkinan kita yang seumur-umur hanya melihat nilai sen di rekening, akan menggunakannya dalam kehidupan nyata.

Rencana denominasi ini sudah mulai direncanakan sejak tahun 1999 dan akan didanai dari Surat Utang Negara (SUN). Penyebab denominasi ini adalah untuk mencegah terbitnya nilai uang yang lebih besar karena tingginya inflasi nilai Rupiah di Indonesia.

Namun kapan denominasi akan dilaksanakan, hal itu belum pasti. Hanya saja jika hal ini terjadi, maka akan ada biaya lagi untuk mencetak uang, sosialisasi serta menarik uang lama dari peredaran.

Tetapi intinya, denominasi terjadi atau tidak, mungkin pengaruhnya hanya pada citra nilai rupiah bagi dunia, karena perekonomian akan tetap sama. Nilai barang akan disesuaikan dengan nilai uang, dan walau biaya hidup terlihat jauh lebih kecil tetapi volume barang yang kita konsumsi akan tetap sama.

Tapi, hayah... lucu juga ya kalau beneran terjadi. Yang gajinya dua juta bakal jadi dua ribu, hiii... lucuuu

(dari berbagai sumber)

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010


Paparazzi ala Greyson Michael Chance

Seorang anak umur 12 tahun telah menghebohkan Amerika serikat dengan sebuah video yang ia publish di Youtube. Tidak seperti Indonesia yang heboh dengan video bernuansa mesum dan gosip seperti Coyboy in paradise ataupun Koreana, video ini berupa rekaman saat anak tersebut menyanyikan lagu Paparazzi milik Lady Gaga pada sebuah festival sekolah untuk anak kelas 6 SD.

Greyson Michael Chance menjadi keyword yang banyak dicari seminggu di negeri paman Sam itu belakangan ini, dia adalah seorang anak ajaib dengan bakat piano luar biasa serta vokal yang jempolan. Bakatnya makin diakui dengan jumlah orang yang telah melihat videonya di youtube, dan saat postingan ini ditulis, video yang berdurasi 3 menit 38 detik ini sudah dilihat orang sampai 17 juta kali. Review tentang dia pun sudah banyak beredar di website-website terkemuka macam serta yahoo.

Bagi yang ingin menyaksikan video yang kata orang adalah sebuah 'prodigy' ini, bisa dilihat di vidoe berikut ini.

Selain menyanyikan lagu milik Lady Gaga, Greyson juga mempunyai lagu sendiri yang ia rekam saat bermain piano dan di publish di account youtube miliknya, Greayson97. Lagu itu berjudul "Stars"dan "Broken Hearts".

Ah, Greyson Michael Chance memang bener-benar cocok jika dimasukan ke klasifikasi orang-orang keren dan berbakat.


Learn Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 with Online Tutoring

Tutoring is an old education method that can help student to solve their problem. Beside can make learning easily, this tutoring also can give student the shortcut formula to solve one problem, especially on math.

Tutoring is usually held by one institution. Student come to their places and learning together, or some parent call the tutor to their home and it’s called private tutoring. These are simple tutoring.

But now technology can serve any easily for many sections. On education especially tutoring, now student can enjoy the tutoring from home. That’s called online tutoring, which student can get the same lesson from the internet.

There are many online tutoring providers. Many subject lessons are available, such as math, English and other. Algebra is one important topic in math. This matter can solve any problem in our day, so algebra was given for K12 student and also college.

Algebra for k12 student is different with algebra that was learned by the college student. With different difficulty, online tutorial give different tutoring to help them. There are two kind of algebra tutorial according to the difficulty. Algebra 1 tutoring help k12 student to solve the basic of algebra, such as Exponents, Linear Equations, ratios, Real and complex numbers and other. This tutoring include problem solve, homework help and of course Algebra 1 answers for any problem.

Algebra 2 helps cover Quadratic Equations to Quadratic Functions from Linear Equations to Polynomial functions, sequences and series and other difficulty concepts. It’s suitable for college student or 12 grade student who will enter the college.

But whatever kind of the algebra, online tutoring can help them to know algebra more closely. Lets try it.

Improve Our Blog Quality With SEO

Blogging is an enjoying activity. We can do it anytime and anywhere, no matter what kind of your job, bloging is everyone’s hobbies.

As blogger, blog is like our second home. For ordinary blogger, good content and layout maybe is enough, but different for people who earn some money from blog. Page rank, traffic, SERPs and also SEO, these all are excellent job that can we do to make our blog or website becomes more worth for the advertiser.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is important think to improve the quality of website. It’s started from the domain name choosing. To get the best result from your SEO, you must choose domain that related for your blog content or niche. There are some formulating a successful domain name that can you find in internet but most if them said that you must choose the domain name that related to your niche. The explanation can be found in the e-book about SEO from Google.

Beside domain name, hosting is the secondary important. This stuff will influence your page loading, and for the perfect web hosting, you can see more web hosting news that are available in internet to chose the right one.
After domain and web hosting, template and Meta tag are important. Although these think can make your traffic increase suddenly, but with the mix you can get #1 in SERPs.

For other tips of SEO, you can find in many website. I can tell you anything because I’m also still learning on it. But one more think that we must care about, how much our effort to improve the blog, but there are some reason for search engine to ignore our website. How can search engine ignore website?

Loading speed and backlink are two things that we must care. With the quick speed visitor can easily to reach our every content although their internet speed on trouble. Many of search engine like website with strong bakclink, especially Google. Backlink can perform how strong our website in Google, and it’s can influence our page rank, and directly our traffic

To get backlink, there are some ways that we can do. Link building, blog commenting, bookmaking site, blog dummy and also buy text link ads. But for the best result, we can combine all of these ways.

Okay, happy blogging

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010


Cheap Education on Internet

Internet provides any flexibility on many fields for us, shopping online, online business, online marketing and now online education. This is new strategy of any universities to give an easy way to learn for student, including on time arrangement and efficient cost.

This online education can serve any online colleges with any online degree major, such as art and design, business studies, nursing and also science. You can choose the major depend on your interest, and then you can still get learning while you on work.

Who will teach you in this online education?
Some of qualified online university also give special program and major which is can be followed online. Some of them are University of Phoenix, Berks Technical Institute, Brookline Campus, Bryan College and other. These all of university and institute provide an easy for student who can attend the class program with provide online program. This is make online education are has same quality with class education, but student do not pay class or building fee.

Much information about this online program, you can find this by Federal Student Aid College Finder easily.

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010


Soul ID - Telfon Aku

At least, i find this song. As my friend request, Finally I was starting to search. On the beginning, I think this just OST of one provider cellular advertising on the television. Yes, this is the Indosat’s OST.

This is the fourth single of their new album, Like Love Life.

Just Listen, if someone want to download, I suggest you download it on www.4shared,com, and just type the title or the singer.


USA on Your Hand

Do you ever see blog directory in the internet?

This website contain of many blog or website that register for some purpose. Many people can use this website to searching for some blog or website that contain of their needs, and some of blog directory short the blog depend of category.

Blog directory is one kind of internet service that can make the internet user easily to find important information, and of course this media can be used to promote their website. But blog directory has some lacking, because there also spam blog or website that registers and the directory admin can’t review one of them clearly. And the information always not accurate.

Same function with blog directory, there is other directory that contain of more complete information. Different with simply blog directory, you can find whatever you want in one of region with one click. For example, if you live at USA, and want to know business information in Dallas, TX, you just need one click. There are many information will be listed, such as Dallas Pawn Shops, auto, School and education, shopping and also traveling info. Same case if you are in Houston, Houston Pawn Shops is easy to be searched.

All of the information can more be useful if you are new comer in one of USA area. You shouldn’t search it to many website or agent, just click the directory and you can find anything you need on that website.

It’s can be saving your money, and of course your time. With, USA on your hand.

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010


Victory of the Goodness

Depend of the word, Galungan mean war. But in Hinduism, Galungan means earth’s birthday. It’s not mean the earth birth on Wednesday, but on that day the Hinduism offering the gratefully for the creation of the world to the God.
Galungan is the Victory of the goodness against the evil. And then, I’m wonder how I can win it. I can win against the devil in myself, not totally but little of the bad characteristic.

And now on May 12, 2010, I don’t know how many Galungan that I have passed before, I face the different situation. Its very happiness and blessing. Although there are just little money in my pocket so I can’t buy my mother some fruit (contribution please!), but this on the first time since 2006, I stand in home on Sunday. It’s first time when I can take holiday from Saturday.
And also, so many blessing on this year. I shouldn’t mention it, but God know it.

Happy Galungan for Itik, bli jhoni, Gek, Bli Gusti, my high school friend Cahya and other Hinduism in the world.

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010


Like A Shooting Star

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now.
And if I can ask everything, I will ask a person who will try to understand and care with my condition, as I try to understand and care their problems, even when I faced the same, they didn't there to understand and care about me.

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now.

Maybe I'll ask to release a little part of my sympathetic, because I've tired to enter the person problem's circle and become a good person on their eyes.

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
And I can sleep with no offense on my heart, because they don't doing something that I have done for them, before.

If I Can.

*Part of airplane's lyric

Why Buy a Replica

Today’s replica watches are no longer disregarded as cheap knock-offs that break easily. To find a well-constructed long-lasting timepiece, it is best to do a little investigating. Prices range from fifty dollars to fifteen hundred, which is certainly a deal when compared to authentic Rolexes, which can cost up to fifteen thousand and higher. Still, you do not want to be caught with a cheap Replica that will prove unreliable. The most reasonable option for most people is to search around, find the replica with the characteristics you want, and buy the timepiece with the best quality and construction for the highest price you are willing to pay. Even if that is a thousand dollars, it is a substantial savings compared to purchasing an authentic Rolex.

Some of the most popular timepieces today are fake Rolex Submariner watches. This watch’s iconic and classical look evokes Sean Connery’s portrayal of James Bond. The sleek British agent look, sporty professionalism, and military-like functionality of the Submariner have made it aesthetically appealing to many a professional, diver and otherwise. With exact engravings and serial numbers, real solid 18K gold through the middle of the clasp, and scratch-proof sapphire crystal, these high quality timepieces are identical to originals and are designed to be long-lasting and reliable.

The biggest conceivable difference between replica Submariners and originals is the question of water resistance. For divers and swimmers, it may be a problem that replicas are water resistant but not waterproof. In contrast, an authentic Submariner is fully functional even at 1,000 feet underwater. But for the majority of people, the look and the functionality are the paramount issues, and the higher quality fake Rolex Submariner watches are successful on both accounts. Procure the best quality replica for your ideal price, and you will have no regrets.

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010


Tertawa Pagi Itu Sehat

Ada yang tidak setuju dengan judul itu?

Aku rasa tidak ada, kecuali orang itu menderita sindrom akut penyuka tangis. Tetapi ketawa pagi-pagi kali ini sungguh berbeda dengan biasa. Seringkali tawa pagi terjadi saat melihat job review di email, atau melihat email notifikasi dari private message yang ujung-ujungnya masalah dollar. Tetapi sekali lagi, tawa pagi ini sungguh berbeda.

Apakah anda termasuk dalam blogger gosip comunity? Ah, bukan komunitas resmi sih, tetapi berkat Ranny, aku sedikit update dengan hal itu.
Iyak, gosip....
sekarang bukan waktunya gosip sih, sudah kasih saja Insert pagi, cek dan ricek, kiss atau apa kek namanya untuk bergosip, aku cuman senang karena pagi ini benar-benar tertawa lepas mendengar gosip. Eh, bukan gosip lagi ding.

Aku tertawa pagi ini karena melihat orang yang sedang jatuh cinta saling perang postingan cinta di blog. Dia yang blognya jadi salah satu pavoritku, tanpa malu-malu menyebut "Yang pasti, tiba-tiba saya merasa nyaman bersamanya. Mampu membuat saya betah berlama-lama dengannya"

Ah, kalian co cweet banget dehhh......

Gold For Our Saving

Gold is one valuable good such as soil, keep rising. Goods are a suitable for an investment. The Value always stable and even always increased each time. And of course, the value gold is rarely dropped. This character of gold will give us an advantage rather than invest in the form of money. Moreover, if the increase is stable, we can plan our gold investment on time, it can mean higher resale value now.

However, gold investing should be careful. There are many scams now, both in terms of quality gold and also the warranties. Market is guaranteed. So if you buy gold, you should consider where you'll buy it.

A trusted place to buy gold is not necessarily gold shops are located in a single location or definitive, but it could also be through a website that provides real gold. If you intend, you can visit the website of gold sovereign. This is one of gold supplier that has 50 experiences on gold trading. You can see the quality of gold that are sold in that website.

You can see various types of gold coins, gold bullion, platinum bullion and also palladium bullion. Each of the item complete with the short history. The price is also varieties and affordable, so if you don’t have large money to invest, you can choose gold coin to invest. With some dollar, you can make a saving for your future.

So for more information, you can visit their website and see the gold price today.

Senin, 03 Mei 2010


Jangan lebay, Plis

Sebenarnya aku malas menulis tentang hal ini disini. Serasa merobek robek keranjang persediaan kata-kata, karena jujur bagiku ga semua hal harus dibicarakan secara lantang dan berisik.

Tetapi ada yang ribut soal deskripsi sahabat itu. Wahai teman, sahabat ntu dalam kamus bahasa indonesia artinya teman, handai. Coba deh buka Tidak usah kamu jauh-jauh mencari arti sahabat, disana sudah tertulis jelas bahwa artinya itu teman. Simple bukan?

Hidup itu berkisar antara memilih dan dipilih, memberi dan menerima. Mungkin tidak bisa kita memilih semua hal, memberi semua tangan, tetapi kita bisa meminta dari tangan satu ke tangan lain. Tidak dikasi, ya sudahlah cuek saja, kita usaha sendiri.

Bukan tidak menghargai arti teman, tetapi di dunia ini banyak orang egois, termasuk kita sendiri. Kita tidak akan bisa mencegah orang itu untuk tidak acuh, ataupun lebih memilih pacarnya daripada kita. ituu wajar, karena pacarnyalah yang akan seringkali hadir, bukan kita. Untuk masa depan, keluarga yang nomer satu, bukan teman. coba tanya apa ada orang yang di masa depannya merencakan hidup dengan teman, bukan dengan pasangannya?

Jadi, jika ada temanmu yang lebih memilih sama pacarnya daripada sama kamu, biarkan saja. Suatu saat kamu bisa melakukan hal yang sama dan dia tidak boleh protes. Atau jika ada temanmu yang cerita ngalor ngidul tentang pacarnya, biarkan saja. Termasuk aku, kalau kamu sedang tidak ingin mendengar, jangan dengarkan aku, tetapi kamu jangan protes kalau suatu saat kamu tidak didengarkan. Masih ada beberapa tahun bagimu untuk seperti aku, yang berasa dingin dan kata orang 'tidak berperasaan'.

Hidup itu untuk memberi dan diberi. Selebihnya daerah abu abu. hahahah....

Ini pendapat sendiri, jika kamu ataupun orang lain tidak setuju, perbedaan itu biasa kan?!

Topiknya nyambung, baiklah sekarang keluarkan ewodnya. ahahhaha

Mbak Brencia

ada juga dari mbak ninetta, duh aku ga simpen pula. ampun mbak....

postingan ini murni dari opini diri sendiri.
