Ada quote menggelikan nih dari berita di TV one hari ini.
"orang-orang yg berjasa hanya dikenang jasanya oleh negara saat sudah meninggal"
Seperti pada kasus ibu Ainun dan Mbah...
Dari sebuah film jepang yang diberikan Clara, Proposal Daisakusen, ada satu hal menarik yang bisa diposting disini. Sebuah tradisi unik yang terjadi secara turun temurun di Jepang...
Get ready to celebrate Dorothy's journey as West End brings the Wizard of Oz on stage with performances by Over The Rainbow's fame Danielle Hope, will be directed by The Sound of Music’s...
Apakah ada yang tidak kenal gambar diatas?
iyak itu adalah salah satu permainan lama yang sangat mudah dimainkan. Pac Man merupakan sebuah game mini yang didesain pertama kali pada...
As I told before, there is online tutoring that can help student to learn. This online tutoring is specific for K12 and college student. With large variety of the student’s study,...
Mungkin yang suka menonton kartun Upin dan Ipin pernah melihat episode dimana Susanti yang baru pindah dari Jakarta membayar ayam goreng dagangan Si Mail dengan uang Rupiah. Mail bingung...
Seorang anak umur 12 tahun telah menghebohkan Amerika serikat dengan sebuah video yang ia publish di Youtube. Tidak seperti Indonesia yang heboh dengan video bernuansa mesum dan gosip...
Tutoring is an old education method that can help student to solve their problem. Beside can make learning easily, this tutoring also can give student the shortcut formula to solve...
Blogging is an enjoying activity. We can do it anytime and anywhere, no matter what kind of your job, bloging is everyone’s hobbies.
As blogger, blog is like our second home. For...
Internet provides any flexibility on many fields for us, shopping online, online business, online marketing and now online education. This is new strategy of any universities to give...
At least, i find this song. As my friend request, Finally I was starting to search. On the beginning, I think this just OST of one provider cellular advertising on the television....
Do you ever see blog directory in the internet?
This website contain of many blog or website that register for some purpose. Many people can use this website to searching for some...
Depend of the word, Galungan mean war. But in Hinduism, Galungan means earth’s birthday. It’s not mean the earth birth on Wednesday, but on that day the Hinduism offering the gratefully...
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now.
And if I can ask everything, I will ask a person who will try to understand...
Today’s replica watches are no longer disregarded as cheap knock-offs that break easily. To find a well-constructed long-lasting timepiece, it is best to do a little investigating....
Ada yang tidak setuju dengan judul itu?
Aku rasa tidak ada, kecuali orang itu menderita sindrom akut penyuka tangis. Tetapi ketawa pagi-pagi kali ini sungguh berbeda dengan biasa....
Gold is one valuable good such as soil, keep rising. Goods are a suitable for an investment. The Value always stable and even always increased each time. And of course, the value gold...
Sebenarnya aku malas menulis tentang hal ini disini. Serasa merobek robek keranjang persediaan kata-kata, karena jujur bagiku ga semua hal harus dibicarakan secara lantang dan berisik.