Soul ID - Telfon Aku
At least, i find this song. As my friend request, Finally I was starting to search. On the beginning, I think this just OST of one provider cellular advertising on the television. Yes, this is the Indosat’s OST.
This is the fourth single of their new album, Like Love Life.
Just Listen, if someone want to download, I suggest you download it on www.4shared,com, and just type the title or the singer.
This is the fourth single of their new album, Like Love Life.
Just Listen, if someone want to download, I suggest you download it on www.4shared,com, and just type the title or the singer.
wah... ada yang minta di telp yah ^^
BalasHapusmaap baru sempet mampir lagi ^^
hmmm i always use that site for download the new song hehehe, tq 4 share :)
BalasHapusWaduw..kayaknya ni postingan buat nutupin review'an di postingan sebelumnya nih, xiixixix...
BalasHapusGood! :D
Wew..ternyata biasa donlot di 4shared juga toh, heheheh...
BalasHapusTapi sayang yah, 4shared biasa suka lelet kalo dipake donlot, enakkan di Indowebster, wus..wus donlotnya, ckckckck :D
keknya pernah denger nama bandnya
BalasHapusHohoho... i know this song, yeah it's from one of cellular provider advertisement.
BalasHapusThe song is easy listening.
weetsss gambaran suasana hatikah? hehehe
BalasHapuslagi kangen ditelpon ya?
BalasHapusblaik kammus diriku ketingalan
BalasHapusada yang kangen nih?
BalasHapushave a nice weekend :)
BalasHapusiyah tuh biasa...mas zippy, dia pinter dah jagoan review kan dia.
BalasHapusgpp ding, jadi tw i-ring indosat
APa isi pembicaraan sama SOul IDnya Mbak, bleh tahu gak, hehehe
BalasHapusNice Post..
pertama nya aku kira sandy cannester habis sama judulnya telpon aku, ternyata sould id,
BalasHapusLagunya enak Nchi
BalasHapusaku habis 12 piring
4share emang mantab, saya selalu pake ini buat nyari lagu fav
BalasHapusngga mau, ngga ada pulsa hahaha
BalasHapustelepon aku ya ciiii *halah* :p
BalasHapustelpon akyuuuu...
BalasHapusSalam kenal.....saya pendatang baru...masih butuh banyak belajar......mohon kunjungan baliknya ya