Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

When Ryan Owed In Aunt Ida's Shop

Ryan entered the house’s gate. He took a snack and eaten it fastly while his eyes looked worry into house. He didn’t want mother know if he had a snack, because his mother would be angry.

But poor Ryan, mother was drying clothes in yard. She looked Ryan eat something and she asked.

“Ryan, where do you get the snack?” mother asked.
“I buy it in Aunt Ida’s Shop, Mom!”
“Buy? You don’t have a money, Child!”
“Yeah…Dad will pay it, Mom!”
“You owe in Aunt Ida’s Shop?”

Ryan nodded his head. His mother would be angry, but she canceled it. She talked it with her husband when Ryan had slept.

“Dad, do you know if Ryan often owe in Aunt Ida’s shop?” she asked. She surprised when his husband nodded. “You know if Ryan owe, but you never tell me, why?”

Ryan’s father just smiled. “Yeah, I think it’s not a seriously problem. Ryan don’t owe too much, just two thousand until five. Aunt Ida tell me if Ryan have taken something, and I pay it.”

Ryan’s mother shaked her head. She was angry. “I don’t agree with you, Dad. You know, it’s mean that you make Ryan think if owe is right. Maybe now he just owe a thousand, but how about a year? Five years later? Or if he become adult? I don’t want it, Dad!”

Ryan’s father thought for a minutes, and his wive was right. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I will talk to him.”

Someday later, Ryan came home with a snack again. His father asked him. “Ryan, where do you get the snack?”

“I Buy it in Aunt Ida’s shop, Dad!”

“You owe it again?”

Ryan nodded. “Yes, Dad!”

“You can’t owe again, Ryan. That’s not good!”

But Ryan shaked his head. “Don’t worry, Dad. Mom’s Nini have much money to pay it!”

Ryan’s father dan mother couldn’t say something. They looked each other, asked for a solution while Ryan entered his room. They knew one thing, Ryan wouldn’t ever change if only by an adivice. They had to do something and next day, they talked to Aunt Ida.

Someday later, Ryan owed again. He took a candy and when he left shop, Aunt Ida stoped him.

“Ryan, when you will pay your debt?”

“My Dad have payed it, Aunt!”

Aunt Ida shaked her head. “Oh, no, Ryan. You buy it, you eat it, you pay it. Not your mother, not your father. Just you!”

“But, Aunt Ida, I…”

Aunt Ida interrupted. “You have to pay, you can't just escape from this!”
Ryan afraid. Aunt Ida looked so angry. She opened wide her eyes. Ryan started to cry.

“But, I don’t have money, Aunt Ida. I will ask to my mother,” Ryan screamed.

“Oh, no! That’s not your money. That’s your mother’s money.”

“But aunt, I don’t have money…” Ryan cried.

Aunt Ida nodded. “Okay, you don’t have money. You can pay it with work in my shop!”
At least, Ryan didn’t have a choice. He worked in Aunt Ida’s shop. He cleaned the floor and windows while his tear droped down in cheek. He put the goods in shop table, took a snack which was bought by someone.

Aunt Ida let him left on 5 PM. Ryan was very tired. He ran home and cried.

“Mom, I don’t want to broom Aunt Ida’s floor again. I don’t owe again!” he screamed.
Ryan’s mother and father just smiled, they hug Ryan togheter. And right, Ryan never owed anymore.


11April 2009
*Uji coba bikin cerpen bahasa inggris, klo ada salah gramar jangan diketawain*

46 komentar:

  1. :e: postingan terjadwal gagal total....

  2. :j: wuiiiihhhhh... pake bahasa linggis sekaraaanngg cieee.... (sok) baca dulu ahh... mumpung sepammer belum dateng :n:

  3. bacanya sambil minum kopi enak kali yaks.... :f: uppsss... lupa kalo puasa.... :j:

  4. ngapain sih si ryan harus ngutang segala ke semutr ida... ehhh aunt ya??? kirain ant...

  5. :c: ntar lagi sepammer dateng kayaknya... pulang ahh....

  6. lagi... apdeeeettttt :l: ente lama banget ga apdet siy... huhhhhhh... >.<

  7. Ni anak komengnya selalu ngawur, bukannya komengin salah gramar atau ceritanya gimana, huaaaaa...... *ga ada emo nangis*

  8. nice story ....
    poor Ryan yang hobinya selalu ngutang ya .
    i like the way ... how his parents teach him.

  9. Nice story Chi...
    Check this: "I buy it in Aunt Ida's shop, Mom!"
    it must be "I bought it in aunt Ida's shop, Mom!"
    because it's past tense, sorry for the correction.
    My suggestion is, before you post something in English, type it in Ms Word, and check it with spelling grammar check, it will help.
    Keep a good post....

  10. Nice try..
    We learn something good from this story

  11. @ bang tukang komeng, iya thanks atas koreksinya, tpi klo di nopel2 bahasa inggris kulihat, kalau kalimat tak langsung tetep pake simple tense dia. maksudnya dalam tanda petik ntu :P

  12. uji coba baca
    kalo nggak ngerti jangan diketawain

  13. Make bhs antah-berantah, waduh maaf nih kalo gitu.. gak bs ngoreksi. Lha wong mudeng aja kgk.. hihi..
    wilujeng enjing ajah..

  14. kenapa ryan berhutang????.....kan sudah diselamatkan tom hanks (lho itu saving private ryan ya...????) hehehehe kabur sebelum yng punya datang!!!!

  15. Nchiii... aku bkn abang tkng bakso, kok bang sih. Aa gitu.. xixixi *kabuurr..

  16. kereeen...boleh juga nih si nchi.

  17. Uhukk..uhur...bingung baca'x, wkwkkwk....
    Sabar, tak pake Google Translate dulu yeee.... :g:

  18. :d: konsen tika terganggu gara2 ada tukang AC dpn mata

  19. nice story...

    i wish ryan not become ryan from jombang :k:

  20. walah walah boro-boro suru ngcekin grammar, vacob aja wen masih minim, ngajakin brantem ni chi:d:

  21. nice..nice story...terus berkarya..sukses tetap ada ....

  22. terpaksa buwel nranslate duyu ya chi.....hiiiii

  23. wuih meski nggak p0aham grammar inggrisnya, setelah di tramslate, ceritanya menarik chi.....keknya tentang pelajaran supaya orang gak berhutang ya....

  24. cie..salut deh chi, udah bisa bikin cerpen bahasa inggris.. kadang buat ngomong aja suka ngawur nih

  25. nchiii....keren pake basa planet . :g:

  26. ada translator ke basa jawa apa sunda gak?

  27. sekali2 pake basa bali , boleh gak nchi ...

  28. mbaca dulu yah ...
    komengnya ntar , perlu konsentrasi tinggi nich ...

  29. besok ryan disuruh ke terminal aja , ngamen buat jajan xixixixi

  30. nice story nchi...tetep semangat , chayooo...

  31. neng nchi..
    ini pengalaman pribadi ya?
    tukang ngutang iiihh

  32. ternyata nchi gak sedudud yang kucing kira hahahahha.....

  33. I think I like the way you wrote this
    I also wrote in my blog with this language (pernah sih dulu)but really.. the grammar is not good hehe
    but it's okay, we have to learn it

  34. saya ndak paham....:b:
    tapi pinter sih bikin cerita pake boso linggis..

  35. :i: teh linda ngapain bawa-bawa kucing segala???? :d:

  36. Nchi...ini bahasa Korea apa Zimbabwe??

  37. Nchi..walaupun aku lahir di New York, besar di London..tapi kalo bahasa Zimbabwe gini aku nggak ngerti juga

  38. wehhhhhhhhh boso linggisnya mantap
    aku ra mudeng
    ewotnya dah kupajang dengan sukses
    tengkyu ya

  39. anjriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittt.. keren abeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessss!!!

  40. pagi chiiiiiiiiii.........................

  41. chi
    udh ada yg ngomong jorok tuuh yg komeng di atasku si tukang siomay hahahahha

  42. wkwkwkwk...grammarnya dh bagus ntu, tingkatkan sampe tingkat ke 20 :f:

  43. kasian rian, suka banget makan cemilan, ama mamanya gag dikasih, akhirnya ngutang dh. mamanya sih sayang anak...:d:

  44. :g: te3ka lutu na...jadi inget rian jombang, gimana kabarnya ntu anak ya? pha masih berhalusinasi pacaran ma indra brugman :n:

  45. Nchi, klo malingsia dijadiin sambel pete gimana rasanya ya? secara mereka kn gag kenal pete. UUUpppssss....jgn2 pete diklaim pula :l:

